I’m leading a a seminar on MP3 organized by the post-hermeneutics reading group: http://www.princeton.edu/ihum/reading-groups/posthermeneutics/ (2-4pm) (probably intro and chapter 1, if I recall)
30 April 2013: New School for Social Research
“Sampling Space: Convolution, Echo and Culture,” 4-6pm, School of Media Studies, Hirschorn Dining Suite
Spring/Summer 2013
In late April and early May, I’m the Leboff visiting scholar at the Department of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University. After that, I’m back in Montreal. When I’m not reading a large pile of books, I’m writing a series of essays on signal processing and also finishing a companion website for MP3: The… Continue reading Spring/Summer 2013
April-May 2013, New York University
Gerald LeBoff Visiting Scholar, Department of Media, Culture and Communication. I’ll be in New York 15 April-12 May. At NYU, I will deliver a public lecture 6-9pm, 18 April, and teach a 2-3 week graduate seminar.
6-9 March 2013: Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago
I’m on a roundtable on Platform Studies (Weds), and a panel on colour TV (Fri). Preliminary program here.
27 Feb 2013: Georgetown University
Seminar on MP3. 4pm, ICC 450, Sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Georgetown University Modernities Working Group.
1 Feb 2013: Concordia University
Roundtable on sound and power, sponsored by the Concordia Sound Studies Working Group.
24-25 January 2013, University of Western Ontario
“Who Tunes Whom?: Auto-Tune, The Earth, and the Politics of Frequency” + grad seminar on MP3: the Meaning of a Format, Faculty of Information and Media Studies.
Fall 2012
I am teaching Intro to Communication Studies and Disability, Technology and Communication. I’m also writing some grants, and a few essays: commentaries on media studies and technology studies, sound and the digital humanities, and media and music studies; and a co-authored essay on color TV. I’m also finishing a companion website for MP3: The Meaning… Continue reading Fall 2012
15-18 November 2012: American Studies Association
Chair, “Sound and the State” panel. San Juan Puerto Rico.