Keynote, “What Is Comparative Media?” Columbia University. Details TBA.
28 September 2016: Triple Canopy, New York City
Short talk on “what I know about perception and media” followed by a conversation with artist Mika Tajima, moderated by Hua Hsu.
5-6 May 2016: John Hopkins University
Keynote, “Sound Matters” conference. Details TBA.
21 April 2016: Harvard University
Annual History of Science Lecture: “Audile Scarification: Notes on the Normalization of Hearing Damage.” I’ll be around Cambridge for a week doing various things at Harvard and MSR.
7-8 April 2016: Bard College
“Sound in Theory, Sound in Practice” conference.
23 November-18 December 2015: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
I will be a guest scholar at the Max Planck Institute as part of the “Epistemes of Modern Acoustics” working group led by Viktoria Tkaczyk. I will also participate in the “Testing Hearing” working group.
16-20 November 2015: Paris
In Paris for talks and press appearances to promote the publication of The Audible Past in French (they’re still working out the title as I type, but it’s got Histoire de la modernité sonore in there somewhere. More details as they happen, but there will probably be a public talk on the 20th. MP3 is due to appear in 2016.
17 September 2015: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Presentation in the Communication Arts Department, probably on missile mail, and a seminar for students on sound studies. Some cross-promotion with science and technology studies may happen. More news as I know it.
Summer 2015
I am mostly in Montreal for Summer 2015, writing about missile mail and time-stretching (but not together), and preparing two new courses for winter 2016: an undergrad lecture course on sound studies, and a grad seminar on instruments and instrumentalities.
Winter 2015
I am serving as acting director of Media@McGill for 2014-5. I am teaching my undergrad seminar on Disability, Technology and Communication. I’m also writing about time-stretching and Shakespeare, but not together.