Summer 2015

I am mostly in Montreal for Summer 2015, writing about missile mail and time-stretching (but not together), and preparing two new courses for winter 2016: an undergrad lecture course on sound studies, and a grad seminar on instruments and instrumentalities.

Winter 2015

I am serving as acting director of Media@McGill for 2014-5. I am teaching my undergrad seminar on Disability, Technology and Communication. I’m also writing about time-stretching and Shakespeare, but not together.

Fall 2014

I am serving as acting director of Media@McGill for 2014-5. I am co-organizing the Sound, Vision, Action symposium 14-15 November 2014, and teaching a seminar connected with it. I’m also writing about time-stretching and Shakespeare, but not together.

Summer 2014

I am back in Montreal, stepping in as acting director of Media@McGill (2014-5). In July, I will be at the Folger Shakespeare Library to do media-historical research for a 2016 exhibition.  I am also working on a few editing projects, and continuing with the instruments research.

Winter and Spring 2014

I am a visiting researcher in the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England and living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I am working on a project about the deep history of granular audio processing, and an essay about vocal impairment, among other things. I am also attending the Hearing Modernity Lecture series at Harvard, where… Continue reading Winter and Spring 2014

Spring/Summer 2013

In late April and early May, I’m the Leboff visiting scholar at the Department of Media, Culture and Communication, New York University. After that, I’m back in Montreal. When I’m not reading a large pile of books, I’m writing a series of essays on signal processing and also finishing a companion website for MP3: The… Continue reading Spring/Summer 2013

Fall 2012

I am teaching Intro to Communication Studies and Disability, Technology and Communication. I’m also writing some grants, and a few essays: commentaries on media studies and technology studies, sound and the digital humanities, and media and music studies; and a co-authored essay on color TV. I’m also finishing a companion website for MP3: The Meaning… Continue reading Fall 2012

Winter 2012

I am interviewing people about new music technology (and a different group of people about their work on sound), drafting a coauthored history of the subject of colour television, building a new dossier on technology and disability, and developing a number of essays on signal processing and culture. Oh yes, and page proofs.

Fall 2011

I am teaching an undergraduate seminar, COMS 492: Disability, Technology and Communication; and a graduate seminar, COMS 608: Sound Studies. I am interviewing people about signal processing, and working up some other new projects.