Attending but not presenting.
Category: Itinerary
9, 12 November 2010, University of California-Santa Barbara
9 November, Seminar on “The MP3 as Cultural Artifact” — Department of Film and Media Studies 12 November, Participant, “Signal Traffic: Art, Infrastructure and Geography,” University of California-Santa Barbara, sponsored by the Department of Film and Media Studies and the Center for Information Technology and Society.
17-18 September 2010, University of California-Irvine
Participant, UCHRI Workshop on the Voice, University of California-Irvine.
5 August 2010, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro
“What Difference Does a Format Make? MP3, Mediality and Audibility.” Keynote lecture at Rumos da Cultura da Música: negócios, linguagens, estéticas e audibilidades (Music Culture Trends: Businesses, languages, aesthetics and audibilities). Organized by the Universidade Federal Fluminense and Globo Universidade.
Itinerary 2009-2010
2009 2-4 January, “The Algorithm of the Voice: Suzanne Vega’s ‘Tom’s Diner,’” Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York City. 23 January, Two events, Department of Music, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Panelist on the future of sound studies and public lecture, “Is Music a Thing?” 12 February, “Is Music a Thing?” New York… Continue reading Itinerary 2009-2010
Itinerary 2006-2008
2006 16-24 May, Minneapolis. 25-29 May, Console-ing Passions, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 1-3 June, “The Subject of Perceptual Coding,” Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto. 22-25 September, “The Inaudible City,” Cité Invisible/Invisible City, Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec (Montreal). 5-7 October, “Cats and People in the Psychoacoustics Lab,” Acoustics in the Laboratory Conference, Max Planck Institute for… Continue reading Itinerary 2006-2008