Fall 2014

I am serving as acting director of Media@McGill for 2014-5. I am co-organizing the Sound, Vision, Action symposium 14-15 November 2014, and teaching a seminar connected with it. I’m also writing about time-stretching and Shakespeare, but not together.

11-19 January 2015, JNU and Sarai, Delhi

The Music Box and its Reverberations: Technology and Music in India (with Georgina Born and others), School of Art and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and a talk/seminar on my MP3 book at the Sarai Program, CSDS.

Summer 2014

I am back in Montreal, stepping in as acting director of Media@McGill (2014-5). In July, I will be at the Folger Shakespeare Library to do media-historical research for a 2016 exhibition.  I am also working on a few editing projects, and continuing with the instruments research.