(tentative) “Who Tunes Whom: Auto-Tune and the Politics of Frequency,” AHCS Annual Faculty Symposium.
Author: Jonathan Sterne
23 April 2012, Duke University
“MP3: The Meaning of a Format”, sound studies series, Department of Music. Details TBA.
Winter 2012
I am interviewing people about new music technology (and a different group of people about their work on sound), drafting a coauthored history of the subject of colour television, building a new dossier on technology and disability, and developing a number of essays on signal processing and culture. Oh yes, and page proofs.
26 March 2012, Tufts University, Boston
“MP3: A Hundred Year History of a 19-Year -Old Format in about 40 Minutes,” organized by the Media Aesthetics group.
21-25 March 2012, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston
“Audible Infrastructure and Telephone Effects.” To be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston (22 March 2012). “Sound Thinking: Rick Altman and Sound Studies.” To be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston (22 March 2012).
19 March 2012, University of Texas, Austin
“The Stereophonic Space of Soundscape,” Department of Anthropology lecture series on the senses.
13, 15, 30 March 2012, McGill University IGSF and Disability Studies Week
13 March “The Sexual Politics of Music Equipment,” Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies Equisses Work-in-Progress Series 15 March “Why Disability Studies?,” Mind the Gap: Putting Disability Studies on the Map, 2-4pm 232 Leacock. 30 March, Panel participant on undergrad research for Research Week, 4:30, Leacock 219.
9-11 March 2012, Carleton University, Ottawa
Keynote, “The Stereophonic Space of Soundscape,” Living Stereo conference.
7 March 2012, Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy, NY
“MP3: A 100-Year History of a 19-Year-Old Format in Under an Hour.” To be presented at the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy, NY (7 March 2012).
Fall 2011
I am teaching an undergraduate seminar, COMS 492: Disability, Technology and Communication; and a graduate seminar, COMS 608: Sound Studies. I am interviewing people about signal processing, and working up some other new projects.