(currently very incomplete)
In Dialogue with Toni Nieminen, CaMP Anthropology (6 Feb 2023)
In Dialogue with Gummo Claire, New Books Network on Diminished Faculties (17 May 2022). A transcript is available here.
Phantom Power Podcast: Dork-o-Phonics (13 April 2022)
Audio: Aaron Trammell, “Sounding Out Podcast #27: An Interview With Jonathan Sterne” (27 March 2014).
Audio: Carla Nappi, New Books in Science, Technology and Society podcast (10 October 2013).
Jacob Ganz, “Taking Stock of the MP3 at Midlife” The Record, NPR (11 October 2012).
Ryan Diduck, “The Interview Has Been Compressed,” FACT Magazine (25 August 2012).
Eric Harvey, “Paper Trail: MP3: The Meaning of a Format” Pitchfork Media (9 August 2012).