16-24 May, Minneapolis.
25-29 May, Console-ing Passions, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
1-3 June, “The Subject of Perceptual Coding,” Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto.
22-25 September, “The Inaudible City,” Cité Invisible/Invisible City, Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec (Montreal).
5-7 October, “Cats and People in the Psychoacoustics Lab,” Acoustics in the Laboratory Conference, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
2-4 November, Respondent, “Music and Technologies of Remixing,” Society for the Social Study of Science, Vancouver, B.C.
26 January (2-4pm), “The Meaning of Music is in Play,” Symposium on Guitar Hero, Concordia University, Hall Bldg H-1120.
8 February, “Cats and People in the Psychoacoustics Lab,” Global Media Research Center, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
16-23 Feb Seattle (research trip)
10 March, “Love, Craft and Erudition in Sound Studies,” Future of Sound Studies Panel, Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago.
23-25 March, “Sex and the Sound Test: A Short History,” Technologies of the Diva Conference, Columbia University, New York.
27 April, “Digital Audio: A Secret Feline History,” Concordia Conference on Interdisciplinarity, Montreal.
30 May-1 June, Canadian Communication Association, Saskatoon
27-29 September, Frontiers of New Media Symposium, University of Utah
10 October, “Playful Technocultures,” preconference to the annual meeting of the Society for the Social Study of Science (11-13 October, Montreal)
1-2 November, “Sound Souvenirs,” University of Maastricht
9 November, Pittsburgh
10-12 April, “Format Theory, AHRC Research Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music (CHARM) Symposium, Egham
15 April, “A Rough Musicology of the MP3,” University of Liverpool School of Music
18-19 April, “MP3 and Mapping the Mind’s Interior,” Music, Sound and the Reconfiguration of Public and Private Space, Cambridge University
26 April, Keynote lecture “A Rough Musicology of the MP3,” University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
29 May, Panelist, “Doing New Media History: A Roundtable,” The Long History of New Media, preconference for the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, McGill University.
Australia Tour (31 July-19 August):
31 July, “Sound Reproduction After Noise: MP3 and the Limits of Perception,” at the Technologies of Listening Workshop, University of New South Wales
1 August, Open door day at UNSW
7 August, “Format Theory,” University of Melbourne.
8 August, Open door day at the University of Melbourne
11 August, Open door day at the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland
12 August, “The Historical Emergence of Perceptual Coding,” Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland
15 August, “The Historical Emergence of Perceptual Coding,” University of Sydney
23 October, “Format Theory,” “Sound Effects Conference,” Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University.